Associate Membership

$20.00 / year



Open to current civilian members or retired civilian members in Saskatchewan’s law enforcement community, as defined below.

And open to any person who is invested in law enforcement; who’s training, experience, or other professional attainments in law enforcement is considered in alignment with SWIP’s vision and mission.

Civilian Member:
An individual who is employed by a law enforcement agency, who is not a sworn peace officer; or an individual who is employed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a Civilian Sworn Member, Public Service Employee or Municipal Service Employee.

Retired Civilian Member:
An individual who retired as a civilian member, in good standing, from a law enforcement agency; or an individual who retired as a Civilian Sworn Member, Public Service Employee or Municipal Employee, in good standing, from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Out of Province – Sworn of Civilian Members

**Proof of employment required to finalize Associate Membership**

Associate Membership Benefits:

  • Attend AGM
  • Opportunity to run for the “Civilian Board Member” position. Although association members are considered “non-voting members” under our bylaws, this member acts as the voice for the associate members and is considered a “voting member” under the bylaws.
  • Access to member only opportunities
  • Access to conferences, training, webinars